Sunday, December 29, 2019

Billy Is A Boy Just Like You And Me - 825 Words

Billy is a boy just like you and me,he loves to be outside,he likes sports,and his favorite sport is baseball.He likes baseball because he`s very good at it and his dad played for the Cubs back in the day.His dad was Anthony Rizzo,1st basemen for the Cubs.His family is his dad,mom and his dog spot.His best friend is Evan.He lives in a house in downtown Chicago,Illinois.Billy also has an enemy,Phil. It all started when him and Phil played each other in a little league baseball game.Billy plays on the Cubs and Phil plays on the Giants.In real life,the two teams are rivals to the dead.Anyways,Billys team was up to bat and they had a big lead 12 to 3,and it was the top of the 9th.Phil was pitching.Billy has seen phil before.He`s the school†¦show more content†¦The next day at school,he got weird looks by kids.He had a knee brace on. â€Å"What happened to you?†asked Evan. â€Å"My knee cap is bruised really badly†said Billy. â€Å"Dang†!said Evan.†So you can t play on saturday?† â€Å"No!†Billy replied grumpily.†Well,my dad is taking me to the Cubs game tonight,and bring your glove just incase you catch a foul ball or get a toos up or something like that.† â€Å"Okay,but why are you telling ME this?† â€Å"Because you’re coming with or can you?† â€Å"Oh yes I can come,what time does the game start?† â€Å"7:10,but i will pick you up around 6 with my dad,okay?† â€Å"Got it†.Evan replied.†Hey Billy,who are they playing anyway?† â€Å"The Twins are in town and they aren’t that great,sooo,easy W tonight right?† â€Å"Right†.Evan replied. At the game the cubs were winning 16-1,and it was already over in the 3rd inning.†Why don’t we just leave?†Evan said jokingly.†It’s not like the 13 and 35 Minnesota Twins are going to come back and beat the 32 and 15 Chicago Cubs.† The next morning,Evan and Billy were walking in the hallway,when they heard a voice talking about Billy and his dad,Anthony Rizzo. â€Å"Dude,Billy thinks he is the best at Baseball,it’s not like his dad was good anyw- â€Å"Hey,guys what’s going on today†Billy stepped in and said. â€Å"Nothing much just talking about the Cubs game.Man they destroyed the Twins last night.† â€Å"Oh yah man ummm,16-4,right?† â€Å"Yes they did†said Phil.† â€Å"Oh okay then.†said Billy sarcasticly. The next day was saturday,game day and the

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