Sunday, December 29, 2019

Billy Is A Boy Just Like You And Me - 825 Words

Billy is a boy just like you and me,he loves to be outside,he likes sports,and his favorite sport is baseball.He likes baseball because he`s very good at it and his dad played for the Cubs back in the day.His dad was Anthony Rizzo,1st basemen for the Cubs.His family is his dad,mom and his dog spot.His best friend is Evan.He lives in a house in downtown Chicago,Illinois.Billy also has an enemy,Phil. It all started when him and Phil played each other in a little league baseball game.Billy plays on the Cubs and Phil plays on the Giants.In real life,the two teams are rivals to the dead.Anyways,Billys team was up to bat and they had a big lead 12 to 3,and it was the top of the 9th.Phil was pitching.Billy has seen phil before.He`s the school†¦show more content†¦The next day at school,he got weird looks by kids.He had a knee brace on. â€Å"What happened to you?†asked Evan. â€Å"My knee cap is bruised really badly†said Billy. â€Å"Dang†!said Evan.†So you can t play on saturday?† â€Å"No!†Billy replied grumpily.†Well,my dad is taking me to the Cubs game tonight,and bring your glove just incase you catch a foul ball or get a toos up or something like that.† â€Å"Okay,but why are you telling ME this?† â€Å"Because you’re coming with or can you?† â€Å"Oh yes I can come,what time does the game start?† â€Å"7:10,but i will pick you up around 6 with my dad,okay?† â€Å"Got it†.Evan replied.†Hey Billy,who are they playing anyway?† â€Å"The Twins are in town and they aren’t that great,sooo,easy W tonight right?† â€Å"Right†.Evan replied. At the game the cubs were winning 16-1,and it was already over in the 3rd inning.†Why don’t we just leave?†Evan said jokingly.†It’s not like the 13 and 35 Minnesota Twins are going to come back and beat the 32 and 15 Chicago Cubs.† The next morning,Evan and Billy were walking in the hallway,when they heard a voice talking about Billy and his dad,Anthony Rizzo. â€Å"Dude,Billy thinks he is the best at Baseball,it’s not like his dad was good anyw- â€Å"Hey,guys what’s going on today†Billy stepped in and said. â€Å"Nothing much just talking about the Cubs game.Man they destroyed the Twins last night.† â€Å"Oh yah man ummm,16-4,right?† â€Å"Yes they did†said Phil.† â€Å"Oh okay then.†said Billy sarcasticly. The next day was saturday,game day and the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Review Of Reconstruction And The Ride - 1213 Words

‘Reconstruction’ and ‘The Ride’ – Media Journal by Nicholas Janković 8/10/14 In March 2008 and April 2012, the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) released robust television advertisements which investigated the welfare of motorcyclists on Australian roads. The directors of these advertisements are stressing for motorcyclists to ride at the appropriate speed limit in order to decrease the risks of a collision and to be aware of their vulnerability and the risks they face every time they ride on the road. The directors also express the concern at the fact that some riders aren t wearing the protective clothing while riding. The TAC addresses it perfectly fair that motorcyclists are permitted to obey the speed limit. TAC also make it†¦show more content†¦This numerical data shows that 17% of the road toll in 2013 were caused by motorcycle collisions. As promoted in the television advertisements, motorcycles are urged to decrease their speed. In 2013, 43% of motorcycle deaths occurred due to the driver exceeding the legal speed limit. Motorcyclists are encouraged to reduce their travel speed by 5km per hour in order to reduce road trauma. Speeding over a minor amount of speed of 5km per hour, can still determine the difference between a â€Å"close call† and a â€Å"serious accident.† These advertisement adopt a cautious and fearful tone when outlining the welfare of motorcyclists on our roads. The aim of the advertisement is to increase the welfare of motorcyclists. The strong opinion enforced by the directors, convinces a broad number of Australian motorcyclists that lowering their travel speed can be the difference between life and death. Motorcyclists become aware of the fact that obeying the legal speed limit is absolutely essential for their own welfare. In the advertisement ‘The Ride’, riders aren t wearing the appropriate clothing needed when operating a motorcycle. Motorcycle clothing manufactures will want to act immediately and decisively in order to advertise their products to encourage those customers to purchase appropriate protective gear. The demand for motorcycle clothing is a benefit for those manufactures as sales for protective gear are likely to increase. The ‘Reconstruction’ advertisement has placed a

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Deadly Happiness of Mrs,. Mallard Free Essays

Modes of Analysis Character Analysis on Story Of An Hour The Story of an Hour is short story in which many things happened during that hour. With in an hour the main character Mrs. Mallard experience emotions that she never felt before in her life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Deadly Happiness of Mrs,. Mallard or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the process of the story we begin to see a character that is weak sick and summited to society regiment. At the moment of the unexpected, Mrs. Mallard showed a different aspect of herself. We tend to react in the different prospective ways when an unexpected event happens. We tend to have a close look at our real selves. The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin reflects the dramatic process of Mrs. Mallard’s character through the death of her husband. It also demonstrates that the true identity cannot be sheltered forever. Mrs. Mallard character had a distinctive personality. A woman who summited her self to the mental abuse of her husband and she became sick from all the hurting she kept inside (227). She remains quiet during her life not allowing anyone to know her deepest thoughts. She was not free to do as she wanted. Mrs. Mallard had the desire of getting in touch with the world outside and to be able to speak when ever she wanted to. The detail I am interested in the most is the reaction of Mrs. Mallard toward the saying â€Å"Free Body and Soul free! †(228). It is not easy to understand her reaction. I think that reaction is the result of her inside conflict in which she hesitates about how to determine her own feelings. She doesn’t know how to react, she should feel sorry about the death news, but she feels happy about freedom (228). At the beginning, when I saw her reaction about the news of her husband death, I began to analyze the character. At the beginning of the story, I saw a cold hearted character, as I continue reading; it became cleared to me that Kate Chopin was trying to send a message through her story. In the beginning of the 19th century, this reaction was unacceptable in society. However through the modern readers’ eyes; her reaction is the explosion of her true feelings which were repressed for a long time. During the time line in which the story was based on, a wife had to be subservient to her husband and her life was confined to the house. Women in those days were not permitted to divorce; the only way they would acquire liberty was by becoming widows. A traditional role like that, makes Mrs. Mallard consider her marriage as a burden and she feels free when she gets to know about her husband’s death. That’s the reason Mrs. Mallard became joyful when she heard the news of her husbands death. I think that she felt overwhelmed with her everyday life of a servant, with complete dependence on Brently his decisions and maybe his dominance. To me it seems that the character of Mrs. Mallard is a person who is disappointed with the harsh reality of her everyday living, and that she is also subconsciously looking for a chance to escape from an unhappy marriage. She loved her husband and sincerely cried for him when she hears of his death, but at the same time she is happy to acquire her freedom again(228). Through Mrs. Mallard reaction, I can see that she suffers a lot from her married life. Mrs. Mallard tries to use her will to beat the feeling of freedom and the desire for independence, but her will loses, and her true feeling takes control over her thinking. As a result, her reaction is different from what is usual and expected. Her exclamation of freedom impact the readers, because of the unexpected reaction of Mrs. Mallard, by Chopin allowing this expression in the story it helps the reader understand the inside struggle of her own life. Mrs. Mallard is a vivid character that identifies the life of Chopin. It indicates her private needs, emotion and expectations which she kept inside. Chopin lived in an era where women were not heard. Personally, I think that the saying free is the reaction that expresses the feelings about society condemnatory ways to women. To Mrs. Mallard it is like a prison having to be under the oppression of her husband authority. She had lived under the control of her husband, with little identity and time of her own. Maybe to under his imposed private will it was confusing for her ability to identify herself. The expression in the reaction helps the reader identify more strongly with her need for individuality. I also can identify with Mrs. Mallard with myself: she is a lady who sacrifices herself for her husband. Her reaction shows that despite a lot of suffering, she is willing to maintain the wife role the last moment. She only dares to let her true feeling pour out after she hears of his death and in a place away from public view, in her room (228). Her saying tells me that in her life she has never experienced such a moment of great joy, happiness and excitement like this. Later on in the story, she received the disappointment of her life when she learns her husband was alive. That brought her to her death which in another way she became free of her oppression (228). When I read this story for the first time, it seemed to be a story of many unpredictable details. To me, the story is still highly appreciated until strict social bias and peoples expectations about gender roles in general and marriage in particular are denied completely. How to cite The Deadly Happiness of Mrs,. Mallard, Papers