Thursday, February 27, 2020

Poverty across Cultures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Poverty across Cultures - Research Paper Example Persons undergoing poverty in Paris during the 1930s and 1990s in the U.S. had a lot of valid things in common as well as major diversifications. And this is because of reasons relating to: The working poor in both Paris and U.S. had minimal access to the healthcare; they both worked long tiresome hours and had antagonistic relationships with their employers (Brown & Orwell, p3). On the other hand, Parisian workers were able to take pride in their work entirely free from the low-wage workers in the U.S. ProofPoverty varies greatly across the population depending on education, age, family arrangements, work profession and place of residence just to mention but a few. Still under the poverty description, the average family of four was measured poor in the year 2013 if its yearly income was below $23,834.   The measure of poverty presently at use was designed 50 years ago and was embraced as the formal U.S. statistical poverty measure in 1969. Apart from the less complicated changes a nd variations in economic prices, the poverty line is still similar to what was designed half a century ago.   A considerate look at Orwell’s Prize Down and Out in Paris and London, we are directed to the way Orwell tries to display the existing poverty he lived through while in Paris and London. Orwell employs the use of an anonymous narrator and through him describes his daily life within the poorer areas of Paris during the 19th century (early 1900s). He talks of the dirt, din, bugs and everything else in details (Brown & Orwell, p3).

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

American literature This I believe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American literature This I believe - Essay Example If you have not read, memorized, and kept at heart that immeasurable and invaluable gift by our great ancestors, you had better do. Otherwise, your commitment to the cause of justice, the cause of equality may be legitimately question. One cannot have an answer why you have not read the American declaration of independence. No excuse can be heard from the anybody’s mouth why they have not read their declaration of independence. I believe in its content, intents, and purports. As for my case, I will up to the word, phrases, and the meaning intended by our great ancestors. What else can we ask for? (American Declaration of Independence, para.2). The declaration tells us what to do and what not to. Our declaration of independence ought to be declared a wonder of the world. It ought to be a legal document with a force of law. It should be the grundnorm against which we measure our behaviors. Have we pursued to the fullest our right to be happy? Are American people happy, as we all deserve? Do we believe it is true that happiness is a truth that is self-evident? Do we believe that our right to right to life and liberty and happiness are inalienable? Do we think we should lead by example and infect all the nations of the world with our firm believe that we ought to be happy? If we fully understand, our declaration of independence do we treat the other nations as they deserve. Whether the non-derogable are rights to life, freedom, and pursuit of happiness limited to Americans only? The American people, we ought not to interpret the words literary. They must be given the widest possible interpretation. In our pursuit of the right to life and pursuit of happiness, we should conserve the world environment. We should not be partakers in the complicity of degrading the world environment. We ought to lead by example and have other people’s happiness in having a clean and